Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Here's a couple of Fun Things!!

This was a little project of mine. I have a Sister inlaw that is having a baby girl in may and I made this for her. I just love the colors. This quilt was so fun to make!

Cute Bentley Playing on the Swings. March has been incredibly WARM. We were out enjoying the sunshine


We got some Jazz vs Bulls Tickets this game was so fun! We sat 18 rows back
Thank you Prestige(saia's work)

So Far This Year...

It's time for an update! So far this year has been good. This year started with our 1 year Wedding Anniversary YAY! for us.. It may sound like I'm venting a little abit about the next couple of things and I am. So for almost a year we have been working with 2 different lawyers to get things changed with Saia's Child support and Joint Custody battle. As of the first of  March the child Support is done and his greedy ex didn't get the amount she wanted. This was a HUGE BLESSING for us. We are so grateful for the judge that was over our case and that she could see that she was being dishonest, and her Jealousy of our situation was the cause of the timing of the law suit.. Now that the Child support is over with we hit her up with  Joint custody this is something that Saia's been wanting for along time. He has no rights to his boys and this would change everything for us. So on April 10th we have a court date set and ready to battle it out, we are hoping that the out come is in our favor as well.
As for the next thing I'm about to talk about this really isn't something I have told most people or really anyone but close friends and of course my mom. So the big question everyone has for us is are you two planning on having kids? I know we have only been married a year but we aren't a young couple and I'm running out of time ha ha and that's probably why we get the the question so often. The answer is we are trying and have been for about a year now. We have started the process to figure out why we aren't pregnant yet. I've had my blood work done for 2 different test, one test said I had low progestrone and that was the only thing wrong so far which is kinda a big deal but the doctor wasn't to worried about it at this point since that can be supplemented with pill. I also had an HSG xray done I'm not sure if I know anybody who has had this done if so we need to talk.. This was so painful. This is an xray of  the Uterus they put a dye inside your uterus to see if there is anything blocking the ovaries to the uterus that may cause the sperm to not get to the egg . And the results are in.. everything was clear and there was no blocking. Now the plan is wait for Saia's Semen analysis to come back in a week and hopefully that will be fine and go from there.. Hopefully this didn't gross you out too much. But makin BABIES is messy.. Hopefully next update we will have good news or I'll have a new plan! It's all in Gods hands.